Backyard Observations

I’m sitting on my back porch enjoying the calm before the storm that looms in the distance, and I want to try to describe what it is that I’m seeing and hearing.  The trees are still greening and slowly rustling in the perfectly comfortable breeze that’s clearly on the front of the storm I hear rumbling to the north. T he rumbling thunder is like the bass and timpani of God’s great orchestra, serving as occasional back up and foundation to the incredible mix of bird calls I hear in the trees.  There are birds everywhere:  in every tree in my backyard and walking on the ground in my flowerbeds. I’m watching them move from branch to branch and hearing at least six distinct calls echoing through the small garden of escape that God has provided me.

Above the trees a hawk flies, circling majestically over the landscape in some form of overwatch pattern.  Below on the ground it’s like I can literally see the plants growing.  Some of my flowers are 2 inches taller than they were when I went to bed.  My little garden is full of green sprouts and my grapevine with its tiny grape clusters gently sways in the breeze.  It is perfect and comfortable and I’m sure there’s some deep meaning to be had, some deep insight I should be able to pull from my soul, but all I can seem to do is observe and enjoy the indescribable presence of the Creator around me.

My joy is enhanced by the children’s toys scattered around me.  There’s a wagon and a softball tee, a well-faded Power Wheels jeep and an impressive collection of bubble toys that remind me that this serene paradise is also the play place of my children.  Again I cannot describe the truth that I feel inside of me, but it’s there.  In this moment I am at peace.  I am thankful for my life and for this place.

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